Friday, July 27, 2007

Past exibition of Kazumasa Noguchi

Small Impact

A scene from "Small Impact", Kazumasa Noguchi's exihibition at Nakaochiai Gallery back in 2005.

Kazumasa Noguchi has spent one month at the gallery creating a site-specific installation. The artist's aim is to create a relationship between objects that are not related in any way.

More about the exhibition and works, go here.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Welcome to "Making of Magical Brothers"

Nakaochiai Gallery's new show "Magical Brother" by Kazumasa Noguchi and Jiro Noguchi will opens on Sep 2, 2007. This blog documents how art works are made, artist themselves and so on. We hope this "Making of the show" will help you to enjoy the show.